Better Solutions
Our aim is to work closely with our supply chain partners and customers to drive demand for better, more sustainable plant-based oil solutions.
Whether that means the inclusion of a sustainably sourced ingredient, the adoption of a process which reduces waste or reformulation to improve nutrition, our aim is to work collaboratively towards a more sustainable future. Our sustainability commitments are supported by the following ambitions for 2021 and 2025.
- Increasing the demand for better solutions
2021: Identify and share best practices on selling sustainable solutions - Co-developing with customers to do good for people and planet
2021: Ensure sustainability is fully embedded in the opportunity management process - Enhancing sustainable development with our solutions
2025: 50 percent of revenue contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals
For more information about what we are doing across the globe to promote sustainable solutions, visit: https://www.aak.com/sustainability/better-solutions/
Better Bakery
Fat is an essential food ingredient. We need it for our health, for tasty food and for our bodies to produce hormones. Fats enable the body to take up vitamins A,D,E and K and provide energy. They are present in every cell of our body. However, different fats – saturates, monounsaturates, polyunsaturates and trans fats have different characteristics.
Here in the UK, we are using our experience and technical know how to make a wide range of better things happen in bakery. For example:
- We are making it easier for customers to switch recipes to vegan.
- We are helping to reduce sugar, without impacting functionality, taste or shelf life
- We are reducing the calories in products without impacting consumer enjoyment
- We are reducing levels of saturated fat, with no loss of structure
- We are helping manufacturers to create Omega 3 claims on pack
If you are currently trying to make better products in this, or any other way, we would love to help. Get in touch with our Customer Innovation team: https://aak-uk.com/contact-us