Omega 3
What is Omega-3?
Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids considered essential to our health: they include Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is found in plants such as flaxseed oil, whereas DHA and EPA are present in fish oils and micro algae. ALA can be converted into EPA and then to DHA by the body but the conversion is very limited, so consuming EPA and DHA directly is considered beneficial and key to increasing levels in the body.
Consumer interest in healthy foods and positive nutrition is growing. Omega 3 fatty acids have been linked to multiple health benefits including cognition, sight, heart health and immunity response. However, it can be difficult to incorporate Omega-3 into everyday food items because they are available in limited forms and are inherently unstable.
For this reason, AAK offer a variety of solutions for increasing Omega-3 fatty acid levels in foods designed and stabilised for food production processes. The different solutions include making Omega 3 fatty acids more bio-available, by helping them cross the blood/brain barrier, and can be incorporated into a wide range of products without compromising their taste, texture or appearance.
Why use our Omega-3 enriched ingredients?
- Multiple formats and nutritional make up for all applications
- Palatable and neutral in taste
- Potential to make EU claims relating to brain function and development, vision and liver function
- Better bioavailability
- Contribute to sustainability goals relating to improved health and nutrition