Bread is omnipresent in our daily lives. From simple tinned loaves to carb-conscious wraps, there is a product to suit everyone in this food category. Our inhouse bakers and customer innovation team support bakeries in achieving healthier options, greater variety and improved quality that today's consumers have an appetite for.

Back to basics

Tinned loaves are a staple product in the UK, yet what can appear a basic product is quite often a feat in continued recipe engineering. As raw material prices rise, environmental concerns grow and supply chain challenges come to be expected, keeping everyday ranges in stock is a challenge. We have many years experience working side by side manufacturers in high-speed industrial bread plants that we use to steer our innovation in this area.

Production and process issues are a key strength of our Engineering team. We can help with tin release, by developing customised release agents and application systems. These can improve quality, speed production processes and extend the life of baking tins. We also focus our attention to bread softness and work on the continued pursuit of extended shelf life.

Taste and experience winning over consumers

Given our change in circumstances over recent times, eating occasions have altered significantly. The quick slice of toast on the way out the door has been replaced by the vegan brioche, waffle or breakfast wrap as we look to bring enjoyment into otherwise functional meals. Lunchtime options have also been awakened with overstuffed flatbreads, topped toasts and hearty soups with bread for dipping becoming commonplace.

The types of bakery fats used in all of these items is variable and our customer innovation team can point you in the right direction. We have boxed and liquid or pumpable shortenings to suit many production processes and finished products including:

  • Loaves & rolls
  • Flatbreads & wraps
  • Muffins, crumpets & pancakes
  • Waffles
  • Brioche - including vegan
  • Fruit breads & teacakes
  • Seasonal items

The importance of healthier ingredients

Products that can offer a nutritional or feel good boost to consumers diets are also increasing in popularity. For those looking for a 'free-from' range, we have experience in delivering solutions for not only gluten-free but dairy-free and vegan requirements. A renewed interest in healthy ingredients also presents an ideal opportunity to include Omega 3 in your recipe. Talk to us about our range of nutritional oil blends.